Kaizen power!

GOODBYE 2020, HELLO 2021...
2020 was a mirror whereby I saw myself in a different way. As December 31st 2020 loomed, I was reflective of how much I have changed, the things that I have learned about myself surprised me, that at times I felt overwhelmed. I’m a person who craves structure and discipline, otherwise I’m a law onto myself.
The first lockdown presented a lot of uncertainty and fear, but it was also unprecedented in that it was a pandemic and we all were going through this for the first time so there was a gung-ho mentality.
But then things got real, real quick! 2020 for me was a year of extremes. Extreme pride for starting my business, extreme gratitude for the health of my family and friends, extreme lows when I lost a family member and when a romantic relationship ended and despite being quarantined with my family, I just felt lonely. I’m a social butterfly and my wings like so many others were clipped to the bone. I craved to be outside and to travel, to socialise and be stimulated with people other than my family (DISCLAIMER: I love my family :) ).
We just got bored with each other, everything felt heightened, minor disagreements could flare up unintentionally because we were just cooped inside, so a hostile and anti-social environment could thrive, it wasn't quite "Lord of the Flies" but we were close...
Many a family meeting was had to resolve the stifling living conditions, routines were put in place to ensure that the household maintenance was met, I stand by the Marie Kondo approach to tidiness, encouraging a joyful life.
I also stand by another Japanese term called Kaizen (改善) meaning "change for the better" or "continuous improvement". It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process and I applied this reasoning to my home life.
By applying small, daily changes such as organising family daily walks, or organising a Leith’s online cooking school for my sister, who like many other’s were due to complete their GCSE’s, these small highlights or things to look forward to, facilitated growth and resulted in major improvements over time. *Side note my little sister now makes the best pizza in the West!
Glimmers of hope and new stimulus surfaced as the first lockdown eased and social bubbles burst with park outings, picnics and play dates orchestrated around summer, which was glorious.
Reinvigorated and restored by friends & family after such a long period of time without physical contact, when I could hug my people, the transference of energy was immense and soul reviving.
Physical contact is important it’s what makes us human and I cannot wait to restore, rebuild and revive those connections, even though we are currently in lockdown 3 and the end is nowhere in sight.
In the meantime keep safe, stay vigilant and create safe spaces in your bird cage. Check in on your resources of energy, the people who add colour to your day, create a loose schedule, set daily or weekly fun tasks and activities, create things to look forward to, try a new recipe and make a meal of it, or meal prep in advance, there is no one solution fits all.
To boost morale, a friend in Canada has organised a 10k step challenge for the month of February. I’ve had to rummage for my Fitbit but I could participate without it, I’m looking forward to the activity and to all of the journeys my feet will take me…from the window to the walls of my home, to a nearby park and beyond.
Let me know how you are coping and what your plans for 2021 are?
Sending love 💕 & light ✨